Monday, December 8, 2008


I'm so bored with work. I need a new challenge. I really like being around my students, but at this point, there is nothing that makes me excited to be here on a daily basis. I feel like I need a new challenge, or at least, a conversation with adults during the day. That is the one thing that I desperately miss. I don't see an adult for longer than a minute between 8 and 3 most days. I wish that I could find a way to get out of the classroom and into another arena, but I've never been one who has been 100% sure how to look for a new job.

This is testing week for the 2nd quarter. Basically, I feel like a babysitter all day instead of just my 2 hour window that I normally feel like that.

And, these kids (at least some of them) say that I am boring. Excuse me? I've always tried to make my room as fun as possible and include material at the same time. I guess you truly can't please all of the people all of the time, but that's ridiculous.

With that in mind, I'm looking for a new avenue to travel professionally. Who knows? Maybe a new professional life could lead to a new personal life. We'll have to see what happens.

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