Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hey, Hey Paula

So, it's weird for a grown man to have a crush, right? Right?

I've been working (and flirting) with a woman for about a year (since shortly after my divorce), and I feel as though I could be with her for a while. I don't know if she's a long-termer, but she's hot, so she could definitely be a short timer. However, I feel like Paula Kirk is way too hot for me. I believe on a personality scale, I'm a 9 or 10, but on looks alone, I'm pulled down. And, therein lies the problem. I have no confidence in myself, so I won't make a move.

Even if I did, though, would it matter. I mean I'm talking about a woman who last weekend, in one night, texted me a photo of her chest and then followed that up with sex with another man. I mean, she obviously knows where I stand in this, and she's taunting me with it.

I can't seem to win on this one. I've been down this teasing road before. More than once. Jenny and Karen both did this same song and dance and drag-along. I finally had to cut ties with both of them, because it was definitely hurting me. Eventually, I'll figure this out, right? Right?

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